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Is ChatGPT actually intelligentoris it a mirage?

執筆者の写真: 人工進化研究所(AERI)人工進化研究所(AERI)

Is ChatGPT actually intelligent


is it a mirage?

Quantum Brain Chipset Review

to Quantum Brain & Biocomputer

(Quantum Brain Science and Technology)

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics, California Institute of Technology


Ph.D. & Dr. Kazusho Kamuro

AERI:Artificial EvolutionResearch Institute

Pasadena, California

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, we are seeing more and more sophisticated language models emerge, like ChatGPT from OpenAI. With its ability to generate human-like responses to prompts and questions, ChatGPT has captured the attention of many and is seen by some as the future of communication. But is ChatGPT really as intelligent as we think it is, and what are the ethical implications of its development and use? In this post, we will explore these questions and examine the strengths and limitations of ChatGPT’s performance.

Here’s an updated table that includes the release date of each version of ChatGPT:

Note that the release dates are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the source. Additionally, newer versions of ChatGPT may be released in the future, so this table may become outdated over time.

First, let’s take a closer look at the error rates and accuracy rates of ChatGPT for different tasks. While ChatGPT performs very well in tasks like text completion and language modeling, it can struggle in other areas, such as language translation. For example, in a study of ChatGPT’s performance on translating text from English to German, it achieved an accuracy rate of 63%, which is relatively low compared to the performance of human translators. However, in tasks like text completion, ChatGPT’s accuracy rate can be as high as 97%. It is important to note that these rates can vary depending on the version of ChatGPT being used, as well as the training data and architecture of the model.

OpenAI is continuously working to improve the performance of ChatGPT and reduce its error rates. This includes developing new training techniques, expanding the model’s architecture, and increasing the size of the training data. However, there are still limitations to what ChatGPT can do. For example, it can struggle with understanding sarcasm and humor, and it can produce biased or offensive responses if it is trained on biased data. This highlights the need for ongoing ethical considerations in the development and use of language models like ChatGPT.

One of the biggest ethical concerns with ChatGPT and other language models is their potential to perpetuate and amplify existing biases and inequalities. For example, if ChatGPT is trained on text data that contains biased language or perspectives, it can learn and perpetuate those biases in its responses. This can have serious consequences, particularly in areas like healthcare, where biased language models could lead to incorrect diagnoses and treatment recommendations.

Here is a table summarizing some of the strengths and limitations of ChatGPT:

It’s important to note that these strengths and limitations may vary depending on the version of ChatGPT used, the training data used, and other factors. Additionally, this table is not exhaustive and there may be other areas where ChatGPT excels or struggles. Overall, it’s important to approach the use of ChatGPT with a nuanced understanding of its capabilities and limitations, and to use it in conjunction with human oversight and input to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of its responses.

Despite these limitations, language models like ChatGPT have the potential to revolutionize a variety of industries, including customer service, content creation, and even healthcare. As these models continue to evolve and improve, it will be important to carefully consider their ethical implications and ensure that they are used in a responsible and beneficial way.

Another concern is the potential for malicious actors to use ChatGPT and other language models to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion. For example, ChatGPT can be used to generate convincing fake news articles, which could have serious consequences for democracy and public trust.

Here’s an updated table that includes error rates and accuracy rates for some of the tasks that ChatGPT excels in:

It’s worth noting that the error rates and accuracy rates listed here are approximate and may vary depending on a variety of factors, including the specific task, the training data used, and other factors. Additionally, there may be other factors to consider when evaluating the performance of ChatGPT, such as bias or consistency over long periods of time. Nevertheless, this table provides a rough overview of the strengths and limitations of ChatGPT for these specific tasks across different versions and release dates.

To address these concerns, there is a growing need for transparency and accountability in the development and use of language models like ChatGPT. This includes disclosing the training data and sources used to develop the model, as well as ensuring that it is tested for bias and regularly monitored for ethical concerns.

Final Thoughts

ChatGPT has demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating human-like responses to text-based prompts. Some of the areas where ChatGPT has performed particularly well with low error rates include:

1. Language generation: ChatGPT is able to generate human-like responses to a wide range of prompts, including questions, statements, and requests. This has applications in areas such as customer service, where ChatGPT can provide fast and accurate responses to common inquiries.

2. Language translation: ChatGPT has also demonstrated strong performance in translating between different languages. By training on large datasets of text in multiple languages, ChatGPT is able to generate accurate translations with relatively low error rates.

3. Text completion: Another area where ChatGPT has excelled is in completing text based on partial prompts. For example, given a sentence with a missing word or phrase, ChatGPT can generate plausible completions that fit the context of the sentence with relatively low error rates.

4. Language modeling: ChatGPT is also highly effective at modeling natural language. This means that it can predict the likelihood of certain words or phrases appearing in a given context, which has applications in areas such as text prediction and auto-correction.

It’s worth noting that the specific error rates for these tasks may vary depending on the version of ChatGPT used, the training data used, and other factors. However, overall, ChatGPT has demonstrated impressive capabilities in generating human-like language with relatively low error rates, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications.

Here are some sources that may be helpful for learning more about ChatGPT and its performance:

1. “Language Models are Few-Shot Learners” — the original paper introducing GPT-3 and its performance on a variety of language tasks:

2. “GPT-2: Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners” — the original paper introducing GPT-2 and its performance on language modeling and text generation tasks:

3. “The AI Behind OpenAI’s Fiction Writer” — an article on the development of GPT-3 and its performance on language tasks, as well as the potential ethical concerns around language generation:

4. “A Review of the GPT Series” — an overview of the strengths and limitations of the GPT series of language models, including GPT-2 and GPT-3:

5. “Assessing GPT-3 for Content Creation and Copywriting” — a detailed analysis of GPT-3’s performance on content creation and copywriting tasks, including its accuracy and limitations:

6. “Bias in Language Models” — a paper discussing the potential for bias in language models like GPT-3 and the need for ethical considerations when developing and using these models:

7. “An Honest Review of OpenAI’s GPT-3” — a comprehensive overview of GPT-3’s strengths and limitations, as well as its potential impact on various industries:

These sources should provide a range of perspectives and insights into ChatGPT and its performance across various tasks.


Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor ( BioVLSI )

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI:


American Physical Society Fellow

Ph.D. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro



Keywords Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI

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©2019 by AERI 人工進化研究所 (Artificial Evolution Research Institute)

1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91125

Dr. (工学博士 応用物理/半導体物性)
Ph.D. (理学博士 分子生物 & Computer Science)
Associate Professor(カリフォルニア工科大学大学院客員教授)


人工進化研究所(AERI)は、未踏破領域・極限領域の研究題目として、 地熱発電、次世代防衛兵器及びバイオコンピューター等の研究と開発を行っています。


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#国土強靭化 #核兵器無効化  #核兵器防御 #大量破壊兵器無効化 #温暖化防止 #共生社会実現 #食料自給自足 #非核 #防衛 #軍事 #テロ抑止 #高齢福祉抑制 #持続可能 #社会インフラ #知的財産 #パテントロール #権利 #出願 #特許 #弁理士 #ライセンス業務 #訴訟支援 #知財高裁 #脳科学 #情報技術 #IT #応用物理 #AP #分子生物学 #バイオテクノロジー #MEGA地震予測システム #噴火予測 #噴火予知 #噴火予想 #地震予知 #地震予兆 #人工衛星搭載型 #温室効果ガス検知システム #植物バイオ資源育成 #環境評価システム #戦闘機 #自爆テロ #爆発物検知 #銃検知 #銃火器検知 #千里眼 #天通眼 #超低高度衛星 #超高速移動体 #非破壊検査システム #危険物検知 #劣化診断 #レーザー劣化診断 #寿命予知 #寿命診断 #非破壊検査 #非接触検査 #高速道路 #トンネル検査 #橋梁検査 #レール検査 #新幹線 #ドクターイエロー #リアルタイム #鉄道 #リモート診断 #insitu #フェムト秒レーザー #高高度電磁パルス #HEMP #高高度核爆発 #電磁パルス #コンプトン効果 #核弾頭ミサイル #核爆発 #核兵器 #核ミサイル #EMP攻撃 #ガンマ線 #X線 #大量破壊兵器 #非致死性 #大陸間弾道ミサイル #ICBM #対ICBM #ミサイル攻撃 #弾道ミサイル防衛 #核兵器無力化 #人工知能 #バイオコンピューター #AI #AI支援型 #地熱発電 #再生可能エネルギー #コージェネレーション発電 #バイナリー発電 #スマートグリッド #気候変動 #異常気象 #原子力発電 #温暖化 #環境破壊 #環境保全 #地球環境 #温暖化ガス #温室効果ガス #都市型農業 #SDGS #ブレインコンピュータインタフェース #Braincomputer #Interface #BCI #ブレインマシンインターフェース #Brainmachine #BMI #BMILSI #神経ネットワーク #神経工学 #軍事用ロボット #サイバネティクス #第6世代コンピュータ #ディープラーニング #意識駆動形 #戦闘用ロボットソルジャー #推論 #レーザーシステム #迎撃レーザーシステム #ミサイル迎撃 #戦闘機 #防衛 #国防 #新世代ミサイル防衛 #人工培養肉 #

#人工頭脳 #量子半導体 #量子物理  #量子コンピューター #神経接続素子 #量子干渉 #量子人工知能 #ミサイル防衛 #核抑止力 #量子脳 #量子物理学 #生物物理学 #ナノサイズ半導体 #超LSI #次世代半導体 #光半導体 #半導体 #寿命予測 #超短パルスレーザー #超高出力レーザー #レーザー兵器 #衛星光電子工学 #リモートセンシング #再生エネルギー #地球温暖化  #専守防衛 #敵基地攻撃能力 #脳内量子効果 #Quantum #Brain #人工脳 #脳神経 #次世代防衛 #防衛エレクトロニク  #インフラ長寿命化 #MEGA #地震予測 #テロリスト抑止 #テロリスト検知  #火山噴火予知 #敵基地攻撃 迎撃 #植物 #バイオ #資源育成 #環境評価  #火山性微動検知 #火山性噴火ガス検知 #温室効果ガス検知 #実現 #実用 #実用化 #横浜痛散堂 #痛散堂 #医者では治せない痛み #肩こり #手足のしびれ #腰痛 #頸椎 #関節のズレ #口コミ #横浜関内 #対戦闘機 #対ミサイル #次世代 #イージスアショア #空対空ミサイルシステム #迎撃システム #防衛兵器 #テロリスト対策 #コージェネレーション型マイクロバイナリー #発電システム #スマートグリット適応型 #ガストロミート #通常兵器 #無効化 #ソリューション #solution #地域猫養護 #猫の杜 #OPERA #21世紀都市型農業 #自爆テロ検知 #核基地攻撃 ​ レッカー 深夜 横浜  飲酒運転 車検切れ 格安レッカー

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