Quantum Information Revolution
for the ability of
Quantum Computer
Quantum Brain Chipset Review
to Quantum Brain & Biocomputer
(Quantum Brain Science and Technology)

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist
Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,
California Institute of Technology
American Physical Society-USA Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute
Pasadena, California
The ability of quantum bits to be in two states at the same time could revolutionize information technology. Quantum physics is essential to understand the operation of transistors and other solid-state devices in computers, computation itself has remained a resolutely classical process. Indeed, it seems only natural that computation and quantum theory should be kept as far apart as possible – surely the uncertainty associated with quantum theory is anathema to the reliability expected from computers?
A visiting Professor of physics at the Center for Quantum Computation, the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University David Deutsch introduced the concept of universal quantum computer and showed that quantum theory can actually allow computers to do more rather than less. The ability of particles to be in a superposition of more than one quantum state naturally introduces a form of parallelism that can, in principle, perform some traditional computing tasks faster than is possible with classical computers. Moreover, quantum computers are capable of other tasks that are not conceivable with their classical counterparts. Similar breakthroughs in cryptography and communication followed.
This quantum information revolution is described in this special issue by some of the physicists working at the forefront of the field. Starting with the most fundamental of quantum properties – single-particle quantum interference in two-path experiments – they show how theorists and experimentalists are tackling problems that go to the very foundations of quantum theory and, at the same time, offer the promise of far-reaching applications.
Austrian quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger introduces the fundamentals of quantum information – quantum bits, entangled states, Bell-state measurements and so forth – and outlines what is possible with quantum communication. The most ambitious scheme, quantum teleportation, has recently been demonstrated with photons and looks to be possible with atoms. The first application of teleportation is, however, likely to be in a quantum computer or communication system rather than anything more cinematic.
Cryptography is the most mature area of quantum information and has now been demonstrated over distances of ten of kilometers. Once just the concern of special agents and generals, cryptography now plays an important role in transactions over the Internet. Grégoire Ribordy and Nicolas Gisin explain how the very properties of quantum theory that so puzzled Einstein et al. can be used to send messages with complete security. A common theme in communication and cryptography is that many applications work best when classical and quantum methods are used in tandem – which is why Alice and Bob, the two central characters in quantum information, are using the telephone in the illustration.
Quantum computers are a more distant proposition, but the first logic gates have been demonstrated in the laboratory and progress is being made on three fronts: trapped ions, photons in cavities and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Recent years have also seen significant progress in the development of new algorithms for quantum computers. David Deutsch and Artur Ekert delve into some of the deeper implications of quantum theories of information.
It isn’t all plain sailing. Quantum states are notoriously delicate and interactions with the environment can cause a pure quantum state to evolve into a mixture of states. This causes the quantum bit to lose two of its key properties: interference and entanglement. This process, known as decoherence, is the biggest obstacle to quantum computation. However, theorists have developed schemes to correct the errors introduced by decoherence and any inaccuracies generated by the quantum logic gates themselves.
Collaboration is a hallmark of the ever-growing quantum information community. The European Union, for example, is funding a network of eight groups working on the Physics of Quantum Information, while the Quantum Information and Computation collaboration in the US has been awarded some $5 million (75,000,000 Yen)over five years by the Department of Defense USA.
We live in an information age that was founded on the applications of basic physics and in which computer power continues to grow exponentially as the feature sizes in microelectronic circuits become ever smaller. Quantum effects can be seen as a threat or an opportunity to this growth. The quantum information technologies described in this issue may have a very long way to go before they rival the sophistication found in their classical counterparts but there is potential here for truly revolutionary innovation.
Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)
Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro
Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute
( AERI: https://www.aeri-japan.com/ )
American Physical Society Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
email: info@aeri-japan.com
Keywords Artificial Evolution Research Institute : AERI
HP: https://www.aeri-japan.com/
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