When will quantum computers finally break into?
Quantum Brain Chipset Review
to Quantum Brain & Biocomputer
(Quantum Brain Science and Technology)

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist
Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,
California Institute of Technology
American Physical Society-USA Fellow
PhD. D & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute
Pasadena, California
1.With all the hype and excitement surrounding quantum computers, AERI scientists wonders when they will become mainstream products and what they will be useful for
With so much excitement surrounding quantum computing how can we attempt to predict what the future will bring? One place to start is a graph devised in 1995. It shows how the expectation surrounding a particular technology develops over time. Having lived through a fair few technology cycles myself, AERI scientists can safely say the graph is pretty accurate.
AERI scientists invariably start with a technology trigger, when everyone notices that something big is happening. Interest rises sharply and money starts flowing in. Excitement mounts until we reach a peak of inflated expectations. Then interest starts to fall back until we hit a trough of disillusionment as people realize things are harder and trickier than imagined. Later, activity picks up again via a slope of enlightenment until we reach a plateau of productivity, where firms – finally – realize what works and know what customers want.
What the Gartner hype cycle tells us is that there will be plenty of winners in quantum computing but lots of losers too. Some firms will run out of money because they’ve followed approaches that can’t be scaled up as the market expands or because of poor execution, bad timing or management mistakes. Right now, though, there is plenty of money going into quantum computing.
2.Many potential customers will not understand the benefits of quantum computers until they see working systems solve their problems
But the challenge is working out what quantum computers can best be used for. As with any new tech, there’s no easy answer, with many potential customers not understanding the benefits until they see working systems solve their problems. It’s safe to say, though, that quantum computers will be particularly good at tackling certain problems that are difficult or even impossible for classical computers to solve.

3.Many worlds Quantum computers could be used to crack encryption algorithms, solve complex optimization problems, simulate quantum systems and improve machine-learning algorithms
One of the most well-known applications is Shor’s algorithm, which can factor large numbers exponentially faster than classical algorithms. Indeed, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has already said that quantum computers will, by 2029, be able to break existing public key infrastructure, which is currently used to protect sensitive information sent over the Internet.
This application is driving the market and the need for large machines with 10,000 quantum bits (qubits) or more. They will mostly be used for intelligence operations to decrypt data that have been stored with relatively low amounts of encryption, although, ironically, such data will probably be old and not that valuable. So if quantum computers become a reality, their ability to crack encryption algorithms will compromise the security of the Internet and damage global security.
It’s an issue recognized by many governments and organizations including NIST itself, which has launched a program to develop new post-quantum cryptography standards that will be resistant to attacks by quantum computers. These new standards will be designed to be secure even if an attacker has a quantum computer.
4.Make it work
Powerful, cost-effective quantum computers will also be great at using special algorithms to solve complex optimization problems, such as scheduling, routing and logistics. These involve seeking the optimal solution from lots of possibilities – the most famous being the traveling-salesperson problem, which requires finding the shortest possible route between various cities so that each is visited at least once before returning home. Firms like Amazon, FedEx and UPS, which focus on delivery and logistics, will surely want to get into quantum tech.
Another exciting application would involve simulating quantum systems, which is tricky to do with a classical device. Quantum computers would therefore be perfect for quantum chemistry, which involves simulating the behavior of molecules and chemical reactions. I can imagine a huge potential market for pharmaceutical companies developing new drugs, manufacturers building new types of battery or firms creating new materials.
Then there’s machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Quantum computers should be able to improve machine-learning algorithms – potentially quite dramatically – by providing faster and more efficient optimization routines or by exploring new models and architectures. This could be a massive new market, but it will depend on the quantum-tech sector building practical, large-scale quantum computers and developing the algorithms and applications that can take advantage of their unique capabilities.
5.Democratizing the quantum ecosystem: Microsoft’s Krysta Svore on the pathway towards a scalable quantum computer
In fact, there are many approaches in play at the quantum hardware level. Companies like Google, IBM, Orca, Rigetti and Universal Quantum are already developing quantum processors with increasing numbers of qubits. There has been a lot of research into developing new types of qubits, such as topological qubits, which are more resistant to noise and errors. But it’s not clear if they will win out or whether superconducting qubits, ion-trap, silicon or optical qubits, will prevail.
We’ll also have to develop operating systems for all these hardware options, while algorithms will have to be built and tested too. In fact, it will take years – if not decades – before potential customers can fully understand the cost-benefit of quantum computers. Why spend money on a new quantum computer if a classical computer can do the job just as well?
6.Uncertainty surrounding quantum computers will vanish only when someone starts selling a scalable, affordable hardware platform, with 10,000 qubits or more
A few early applications of quantum computers will reach the market, but the uncertainty surrounding these machines will vanish only when someone starts selling a scalable, affordable hardware platform, with 10,000 qubits or more. That’s when quantum computing will take off and we’ll be sure what they’re good for. Physicists might be in awe of all things quantum, but quite when it’ll reach that plateau of productivity is anyone’s guess.
Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)
Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro
Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI: https://www.aeri-japan.com/ )
American Physical Society Fellow
PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro
email: info@aeri-japan.com
Keywords Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI
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