1.政府(経済産業省資源エネルギー庁)と菅内閣は、CO2 ゼロエミッションを目指す手段として、今まで推進してきた太陽光発電に代えて、海上風力発電を選択した。
Closed-cycle heat exchange power generation (geothermal power generation) systems with heat regenerative binary engines are the only continuous means of next-generation power generation.
1.The government (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and the Kan cabinet have chosen offshore wind power generation to replace solar power generation, which has been promoted as a means to achieve zero CO2 emissions.
2.The disadvantages of offshore wind power have been cited for a number of trivial reasons, including (1) the lack of uniform rules for the long-term occupation of general sea areas, and (2) the absence of a framework for coordinating with prior users of the sea area, such as the shipping industry and the fishing industry.
3.The essential problems with offshore wind power are: (1) the wind direction off the coast of Japan is not fixed, (2) it is not stable enough to generate the strong wind power needed for power generation (to be efficient), (3) it cannot be installed anywhere in Japan, and (4) it cannot withstand strong winds (for example, winds of 30 meters or more).
4.Photovoltaic power generation, which the government had promoted with all its might in the early 2000s, is now on the verge of collapse as the FIT has plummeted from 40 yen to more than 20 yen. After that, there is no way left but to sell it off to ordinary households with appropriate reasons. The country has fallen from being a leading candidate for renewable energy.
5.In response, the former Abe administration promoted nuclear power and thermal power, and in response, sexy Koizumi embarrassed himself at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York. To make up for this mishap, the Kan administration is advocating the promotion of offshore wind power.
6.The closed-cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with a heat regenerative binary engine under our research differs essentially from intermittent solar power generation and offshore wind power generation in that (1) it can be used at any location in Japan, (2) it can form a microgrid, (3) it can generate enormous and unlimited amounts of electricity equivalent to several hundred nuclear power plants, and (4) it can be operated under natural conditions (seasons, regions, sunlight, wind, etc.). It is the only continuous, next-generation power generation method that can replace nuclear and thermal power generation.